by Kelli Bay | May 18, 2020 | 6 Man Football, Band, Cheer, Cross Country, Dance, Drumline, Fall Soccer, Field Band, Football, Marching Band, One Act Play, Team Tennis, Volleyball
Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Coaches and Directors: As you plan your week ahead, please take a few minutes to review the schedule of webinars TAPPS has planned for the coming days. We anticipate that most will last no longer than 30 minutes and we will...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | May 18, 2020 | ATHLETICS, FINE ARTS, Homepage Updates/Alerts
TAPPSCON 2020 is offering members the opportunity to apply to be a presenter at a breakout session. The applicants should be aware of the following. Topic relevant to high school fine art and athletic programs. Sessions are 50 minutes in length. Submissions...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | May 15, 2020 | 6 Man Football, ATHLETICS, Cheer, Cross Country, Dance, Drumline, Fall Soccer, Field Band, FINE ARTS, Football, Marching Band, One Act Play, Team Tennis, Volleyball
Join us next week as we host webinars for our fall activities. We will provide information for each activity as we review our summer and fall plans. We will also be available to answer questions pertaining to TAPPS seasons and rules in each meeting....
by Kelli Bay | May 15, 2020 | ACADEMICS, ART, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Short Film
Accessing Adjudication Forms Ready Writing Teachers may access student papers and adjudication forms in TAPPSter. All students participating in the Ready Writing contest were judged in a Prelim round. Scores were given for each paper by a panel of 3 graders. Prelim...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | May 7, 2020 | ACADEMICS, ART, FINE ARTS
While COVID 19 curtailed our Fine art offerings, some events were already underway and judging was able to be concluded. Congratulations to our winners in Art and Academics as linked below. Click here for Academics Awards Click here for Art Awards ...