Soccer Playoffs and Weather
Athletic Directors:
With the potential of winter weather in North Texas, soccer playoff games may be impacted. Please take a moment to review the TAPPS weather policies as outlined in Section 138 of the TAPPS By-Laws.
In the event the outside temperature or heat index reaches 100 degrees as determined by the home team or event host, inter school contests shall not be played without the mutual consent of all teams involved in the contest.
In the event the outside temperature or chill factor reaches 32 degrees as determined by the home team or event host, inter school contests shall not be played without the mutual consent of all teams involved in the contest.
A school that is following the above guidelines shall not be required to forfeit contests.
If weather conditions prohibit the scheduled game from being played by the certification date for that round of the playoffs, please reach out to our office for assistance.
If questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office at [email protected] or 254-947-9268.